Friday, February 29, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fish Sauce

Hmmm.... finally found the secret for the perfect taste for my pan-fried oyster-sauced vegetables. Just add 1 spoon of it and it just gives the needed extra flavour

Monday, February 25, 2008

Free Wifi!

I'm so happy. My crib has been officially pimped. Yup, I can get free wifi here, in my room.
The only thing is that it works only at nite, when there isn't so much signal interfering i guess.
Nevertheless, viva the wireless age!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reading Status

Tonight I finally finished "Norwegian Wood". I didnt like the first half of the book as I thought it was too slow, but when I continued reading it last night after more than a month stopping, I didnt stop reading it & finished till the end.

He is a wonderful writer & I liked the ending. I will read more of his books...
I have also bought 2 new books this weekend:
- Lonely Planet Thailand (hint hint...)
- The Diving Bell & the Butterfly

Thoughts of the Day

There are times when your days feel grey and you lose focus in giving thanks. Luckly, these past few days, I have been able to feel a little bit like a rainbow. When I sat down on my couch last night, I stayed calm for a moment & a thought came to me: I am blessed. I have a house (despite it is a floating one), I have a car, I have a husband (despite being far, but still tries to accomodate my complaints, when i have one), a loving family, and a wonderful job.
Sometimes you just have to stop your daily routines, take a deep breath & sit down, to feel this way.
Thank you Lord for the life You have given.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Healthy dose of garlic

Konon, kata Pak Bondan Mang Maknyus, orang Itali suka sekali masak dengan bawang putih.Jadilah malam ini saya bikin spaghetti, dengan daging cacah saos tomat, tak lupa saya kasi bawang putih. Cukup satu siung, dan biar lebih nendang saya ulek dulu di cobekan sebelum dicampur ke daging cacah.
Nyam2. Klo sudah begini rasanya udah sprt makan spageti paling enak di dunia hehehe.

Gulping for my saliva

Best food to try...
1. udang bakar madu mang engking jogja
2. sosis bali rm bali jogja
3. mi item anaknya Pak William Wongso di Kemang Food Fest
4. pork ribsnya bebek bengil Ubud
5. Nasi Campurnya Bu Oka Ubud
6. Fried Shrimp with Cereal No Signboard Esplanade Sg. (Ada jg sih cabangnya di Pacific place)
7. My mamma's udang whisky
8. My mamma's ayam dimasak pake anggur merah & fresh cream
9. Kangkungnya d'cost Kemang
10. Sambal Borehnya om Rudy di Rumah Warisan. Gak terlalu pedes, berminyak, tp ada jeruk nipisnya gitu.
and sbg bonus: Es Krim Haagen Daaz Belgian Chocolate.
Hoehoe... langsung inget lagu "ooo.. heaven is a place on earth...."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Nature's wonder

Ever wonder how a doctor can exactly predict at what date a baby is gonna be born out of his mother's womb? I still cant get the logic. When i have the ocassion i will ask the expert.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

burning need

Did pilates on my own, following a video by Dianne Ramirez, to work on my abdo. Desperately need to flatten my tummy. I could pinch my fats on my stomach while driving home, not 3 rows of proud muscle, but 3 rows of glycerols & fatty acids. Urgh.
ps: What constitutes body fat?
Fats are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are a source of energy in foods. Fats belong to a group of substances called lipids, and come in liquid or solid form. All fats are combinations of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. (according to

Cooking with Santan

Setelah minggu lalu saya memasak lauk ala bumbu santan perdana saya (Ayam Jeruk Limau* or i prefer to call it Ayam Jeruk Purut, sprtnya lbh nempel aja... :) ), hari ini saya memasak sayur ala santan yg pertama kali.
(Drum roll pls)Ini dia Sayur daun singkong bobor...

interesting factsnya adalah:
- Ini gak murni daun singkong, tapi ada sdkt bayam juga, sisa yg masih segar dari segepok yg sudah mengering di lemari es...
- Menurut contekan resep, harus ada sedikit kencur di dlm sayur ini, walo saya gak trlalu tau rasa khasnya di sebelah mana.
- Sayur ini dimakan dgn ayam goreng sambal boreh Om Rudy. Nendang deh!
- Kurang sedikit gula sih rasanya, mgkn krn daun singkong aga pahit. lain kali musti dibanyakin.
- tangkai2 daun singkong itu keras yah. lain kali musti dibuangin deh.
- sayur ini bisa dicampur dng labu siam juga loh. atau klo om rudy, dia tambahin sama semacam ikan teri yg kecil2 gitu. enak juga.- santannya santan Kara. Aga kental gitu & baunya aga beda sama santan asli.
- terus terang ada rasa yg agak aneh sih masakan ini, saya gak tau ini kebanyakan kencur or kebanyakan laos or kurang gula ya. hehehe...
ps: btw my ayam daun purut was much more successful & it was IMHO delicious :

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Corners of my habitat

After years living in a rented place, It feels good to actually finish your day by knowing u will reach a place u can call home.Some corners of my sanctuary that i love:
- My salmon kitchen tiles matching with my pinkish light brown wooden laminate.
- My antique-look-alike shoe cabinet. Love the handles, they come from Jepara
- My japanese style wallpaper (luv it)
- My dried flowers, complimentary from Lia
- My horizontal mirror. Makes the room look wider
I am not exatcly in love with my TV cabinet. But since the big speakers are already available as my husband property, my judgement says that it is best to make use of them, rather than watching them sitting carelessly in the attic of a sibling's house. I feel this is the best adjustment, in terms of design, that can be made to accomodate these bulky speakers :). And now i can watch my fake dvds in 5 audio channels mode. Yipee!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

About Roads in Jakarta

About roads in jakarta that give me joy:
- Driving in Jl Rasuna Said at 80kmh, when the road is empty at 9pm, it gives me a high!
- Seeing the old tree in Jl Erlangga blossom behind the florist house, red flowers among the falling tree ligaments, makes me smile. It's like finding hope in an unexpected place.
- Finding myself driving in Tebet or Santa or Kemang Area. These places feel so homy, with shops stored in houses, rather than malls.

Road things in Jakarta that I wish didnt exist:
- Full car parking lots in Malls in the middle of the day, esp those malls with hyperstores in it. Just make my groceries shopping harder.
- Thoughtless drivers taking up my safety space between my car & the one in front of me :(
- Surprise holes on the asphalt roads. and boom! there goes your shock absorbers.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Lovely Sky

Love the skies. Rarely see these clouds in town. Medco Tower in Progress. Photo taken after a dose of heavy rain poured on Jakarta.