Thursday, September 19, 2013

The case of over abusing the word 'no'

Sebenarnya kata 'no' udah dimengerti sama kiddo sejak lama, n mungkin salah satu vocab dia yg pertama. Tapi hari-hari ini bener2 di-abuse deh penggunaannya sama dia. Kalo dulu, no lbh dia artiin dia ga boleh melakukan sesuatu or plainly something thats forbidden. Tapi klo sekarang dia gunakan juga sbg perintah ke orang lain termasuk gw. Case in point;

Pagi2 mamanya abis mandi milih baju:
M: *ngambil gaun ijo*
Kiddo: no no no *sambil geleng2* n nunjuk2 baju laen di gantungan yg dia ga sampe
M: *ngangkat si anak spy bs ambil bj yg dia pilih*
k: *ngambil baju kuning gonjreng*
Dan akhirnya gw pake d baju itu, hw pikir selese masalah.
E abis itu dia ribut teriak "celana celana"!
N berhubung celana yg dia liat tergolek di luar lemari cuma satu, yaitu celana pendek gw disuruhlah gw pake itu. Ga mungkin kan gw kerja pake itu. Akhirnya gw pake jg tu celana pendek smbl breakfast. Tp pas gw ganti ke celana panjang abis itu, kok dia notice aja gitu n marah2lah doi sambil bilang 'no no no'.

Terus diceritain tantenya pulang naek pesawat. Dia nolak2 aja smbl bilang 'no no' n sambil dia benerin 'tante naek boat' :D . 

Fast forward, kita ber2 berangkat ke luar rumah, gw kudu drop dia di daycare. Rencana mo naek taxi tp stok antrian taksi dpn rmh lg kosong n macet berat pula. Akhirnya gw putusin naek LRT dulu dgn harapan di stasiun berikutnya ada taxi or minimal bus yg nyambung ke daycare. Berhubung doi cinta banget ama train n bus, senang banget d dia tp yg ada gw makin terlambat.. N gw udah mo batalin aja naek busnya krn cepetan naek taxi. Pas gw bilang ke dia n 'ga jadi naek bus ya, naek taxi aja' sambil geret dia menjauh dr bus 'no no no' lagi d.. Ge ngalah aja d kali ini, sekalian nyoba pertama kali jg pagi2 ngambil rute bus ini.. (Yg ternyata total2 gw abis sejam nganter dia dibanding 1/2j full taxi :( ).

Tapi yg aneh begitu nyampe daycare dia ga bilang 'no no' . Udah pasrah aja dia bakal ditinggal disitu anyway hehehe.

He knows how to get his way.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

My first affairs with 12k race

I started running 12km in Bandar Kinrara,  Puchong 2 months back, albeit inpromptu as it was supposed to be 10k only. But my first run with the Lyn runners (n the only one to date) got me hooked to try the next and the next 12k run. Btw i really appreciate their warmth in welcoming newbie like me, though they all were quite fast n i totally misunderstood their definition of snail pace (i guess my definition was more of a slug! :) ).

So i signed up for this Men's Health Shape night run, just the perfect distance and fulfilled 2 other 'run-thing to do' in my list, which is to join a night run event and to run in putrajaya, a nicely built modern township built by the malaysian govt.

On the way there, rain was pouring cats amd dogs but as we got nearer i saw a stray of sunlight which was enough for me to give a hope that i wont be running under a strong shower! (Only later that i knew if there was lightning sighted they would have to cancel the event).

Hubby n kiddo dropped me off, n i hitchhiked home on a friend's car.

What i liked:
+ weather was awesome after the rain, made the run feel light. I improved my 10k pb by abt 10mins i think! Now its 72 mins :)
+ nice area not too many cars for lots of runners to run
+ organized event overall, large start/finishing area, lots of toilet etc
+ awesome goody bag n lots of sponsorship tents. Sketcher had a 20% discount shoe booth. Juice, yoghurt etc

Just a bit of areas of improvement:
-: so many long queues in the free goody tents. I decided to skip all of them ss drizxle was getting stronger too,
-: they gave away so many things right after the run but with no bag yet, i dropped my stuff a few times as couldnt mana. Wish they gave a bag earlier.
-: i think their 11th k mark was pretty displaced. Since it felt such a long way to get there!

But overall it was a great experience, love it! I came in 300+th runner out of 12k women, n since the medals were limited to first 500 i was kinda pushing myself to get it hehehe. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


 I ran #smr sat-morning-run in bali, during holiday trip with my family. The vacation trip itself is quite tiring for me, especially if i keep comparing with my previous holiday trips when i had no kid yet. Gone are the days when i can choose n plan exactly what i want to do. My most fruitful own-moments are in the mornings, when i can get out of the house on my own n have some me time. One for this run, where i met the lovely bali runners bunch. And another morning for a serene sunrise at Sanur. I love it when i can have my mind wander around at peace
We wanted to run at the unopened nusa2 toll road above the sea. How cool is that. Unfortunately, the area is already sterilized from people n there are patrols going around to check. So we went to a nearby area across the benoa port and there was a trail encircling a small island/islet giving us 9km worth of run.
I love running in different places, its like a mini discovery trip. As always, i love us, the indonesians bunch of people, super friendly n excellent jokers, just like the runners i met.

Below are pics of my next morning hiatus. Actually i wanted to run again but #taudiri my legs are not that strong n havent properly recovered from the sat run. So i just went there for a walk, sanur beach. I wanted to go to Segara beach since one of the indorunners recommended this place to run. But due to limited online map, i went to the next beach, sindhu. Its still a lovely place. Swamped by people though. I couldnt find a proper parking spot at 5.45am in the morning. I rough-counted at least  a 1000 motorbikes parked. Many were swimming at this early hour. But still, i felt a sense of calmness, as the sun slowly rise, breaking the pink dusk. I continued my journey to the south and i met a group of folks doing yoga. Followed them for a while n then decided to just lie down marvelling at the sky and surrounding. Lovely mornings!

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Separating with the kid

Until now, leaving the kid is always tough. On him, on me. I've been taking shortcut lately by sneaking out of home when he's not aware. It spares me from witnessing his loud cries, n even i hope that he doesnt really notice i left. 
But in reality, he is still aware. And because of this, i think he becomes even more sticky to me cause afraid i will disappear any time. 
I have to change my bad habit n start saying good bye properly and giving him lots of explanation first before i go. I think he will understand and take it like a big kid. He is becoming one.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Going to 2 years soon

This friday, the boy will be 2 years old. Does he act and look like a 2 year old? I think so!
He's been unbelievably chatty these past few weeks. Like telling stories. Half of the time I cant decipher what he's saying though. Chatty when waking up (though he will stay quiet for a moment if i'm still asleep), chatty when about to close his eyes to sleep, chatty when he's happy. Absorbing or at least immitating what we say really fast.

His appetite! At the moment, he's having a great one. His tummy will really bulge and become hard after a good meal. And still, after a meal, he will ferociously grab his bottle of milk when offered one. I dont know which part of his stomach still has space for that. This is such a turn-around from his picky-eater situation which has been going down the hill since 12mth-18months. It started getting better when he joined the daycare. Peer pressure works, yes! He loves brocolli, mango, pears, and soup.

Potty-training wise: i see no clue yet when to start! He doesnt get bothered when he does number 2 in his nappy. He happily pees anywhere with/without nappy. I'm not going to rush yet to start, but will surely start dropping hints to him more often now he's 2 soon.

Loves pushing his pram around and take a walk outside of the house. Sometimes I have to turn off my urge to take him out and play, as his definition of outdoor playtime is at least 1 hour there, while mine is just about 30mins. So I always ended up forcing him to return home and spoiling his mood. Or I follow what he wants and I loose my own time (or not, since i'm with him).

He got a gentle side of his heart and showing it. He loves seeing small babies. He loves his soft toy, since 3-4 months back. Puts clothes on his dog/turtle/panda, bring them along to his area of play (kitchen/living room/my room etc). Gives food to them or make them eat out of a bowl ;p.

Can remember some parts of songs! Ah, this was quite surprising to me. I consider myself as totally lacking of right brain capability. Zero feeling in notes and music n stuff. can only memorize using left brain. and hubby though loves singing loud in karaoke session, cant play any musical instrument. So i dont think we have musical genes to pass down to the kid. So I was astonished that just suddenly he wanted to play the pelangi2/balonku/cicak2 songs in the ipad (he's been listening to them lots of times in the past months but never sang along before), and he was able to say some parts of the song (esp. the last syllabel of every line) correctly and at the correct timing, it almost feels he was reading the lyrics on screen.

Remembers. Note this down to myself, this kid got good memory!

Picks up clothes for me. Always picking up the flowery dresses for me. Cant wear those to work baby, otherwise i will look like a lady going for pic-nic, ;p Needless to say, he also picks his own clothes and sometimes he just refuse to wear other things. Like the other day we took him to a mini zoo, and he had to choose his penguin-pyjama pants and sleeveless pocoyo t-shirt for the trip. I must say he was the most under-dressed kid in the farm.

buses. ambulance. tractor. cranes. taxi. truck. He loves them all!

cherios, till another update of the kid.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My maiden race - 6th April 2013 - 8km at MWM

Lovely cotton candies at the sky after my MWM run
Yay, I did my first race at I-City, Shah Alam, @ Malaysia Women Marathon Event.
This was the first full marathon event dedicated to women in the SouthEastAustralasia Region. Being the newbie that I am, I took the shortest event, which was the 8km.
At the point of registration (sometime in December, me think), my running distance was on avg 3km, and I targetted myself to reach 5km by March, so i thought 8 km though sounded a bit ambitious would still be reasonable target.
However things do happen, I didnt run so much in Jan/Feb, and by end of March I've only run 5km once. So I did have jitters days before the run, not sure if I could make the 8km, but I told myself to make it easy and I can at least walk whatever distance I cant cover while running, so game it is!

Btw, actually my first race was supposed to be the Brooks 5km run in March, part of the HM Brooks Run in Bukit Jalil, but being so blur that I am, I've thought run events happen on Saturday and hence have prep myself early in Sat morning, walked out of the door, n realized I may as well bring the running brochures to read while waiting for the event... then it smacked me there with big fonts on the brochure that the date corresponded to a Sunday! Which was a no-no date to me, as we were leaving after my 'supposedly-run' event to JB for a weekend trip. Hahaha, so much for the drama. I ended up just running in my condo compound, with the brooks orange event t-shirt!

Eniwei.. back to MWM, I picked up my running race kit on Saturday, took kiddo with me, as maid had day off and hubby not in town. Attended Kathrine Switzer speaking on the history of women running. Truly inspirational. How she broke the norm in a US marathon event to officially run as a woman, which later on paved the way for her to be a bigger champion for women in running history, including to have the Women Marathon as an Olympics event. Bought some running goodies in the sponsoring booths, ie. the awesome MWM running t-shirt by G-Sukan (veerry verry comfortable, my fave running T to-date), a running skirt (with tight shorts inside) made by an Oz brand (despite the hype, i find running shorts still more comfy with its airy feel). Met wifey of an ol-school-hostel buddy, who happened to be an awesome runner, gonna run for her 42km FM. She asked me what i was doing there, to which i replied humbly "i'm gonna try run 8k :D".
Closed the day with eating ayam penyet with an old fren who picked me up from the MWM RePC area. Came back there to pick up my car and found out parking so expensive there! They really should give discount for MWM runners next time, esp. on the event day.

Sunday... I had my kiddo covered by asking the assistant to come back sat. late afternoon. Left home by abt 4.30AM me thinks... errrggg the things that runners do voluntarily which baffle me till now... is wake up at weird hours such as this... reached the place in 45mins, parked, and then luckily I could find proper toilet (not the portable one) to do no.2. Then I was ready and sat around to wait till the flag-off time (6.30AM).

Started the run slow. I took Kate's yesterday advise to heart, which was "Enjoy your first run. Forget about the watch, forget about the timing, just enjoy your run, there's only a first run and enjoy it!". So I ditched my earphone - but still turned on my NikeApp to track the distance.
One week before the organizer updated that the 8km route has been upgraded to 8.8km. I was like.. darn even further! So my strategy was to really run slow at least for the first half, so I can be sure I will be able to cover the 2nd half as well, no matter how slow hahaha. I think the first 1 km, I kept looking back for fear I would be the last one in the crowd. I didnt want to be running with the last escorted motorbike and running-sweepers if any! * that would be too much pressure, on top of the pressure being 'bontot' :p *. I think I could see the sweeper motorbike 100-200m behind me, so I was probably in the last 100-200 persons crowd.

But I slowly progressed my pace, and beyond 2km i didnt look back and found myself quite comfortable. I managed to run a full 5.5km without stopping. Then came in the incline around UiTM Mara area, so many people started walking up the incline. I ran my first incline, then first water stop, then on 2nd incline i dedided to walk. Happy I achieved my initial target of running at least full first 5km without stopping. It was really great experience to be running with so many people in an organized event like this. The volunteers manning the drinks stop was awesome with their smiles greeting us. There were marshalls here and there cheering us on, and there were fellow runners to share our pain with *Grin*. After the 4-5km mark, we started to merge with 21 n 42km runners. At that point I remember seeing so many gruelling faces doing the 21km, that it kind of put me on a happy place, happy cause i wasnt suffering like them, haha. i sound a bit evil. But seriously, I really dont know if I can put myself up to a 21km event, but seeing their faces, I stick it to my memory that it's not easy running that distance, so respect to those who can do HM! (I'm not even putting FM in my coverage).

Also, what i loved about this event, is that eventhough it's a running event dedicated to women, they do allow men to join as pacers to the women (must run in pair, and finish together). I've seen few people complaint why they allow it. But to me,it's a good thing and I loved seeing the pairs running together, the man giving motivation to the woman, even without talking much, but just running together, I find it beautiful. And towards my last 2km, i was running at abt the same pace with one of these couples, and loved seeing them finish together, inspiring!

So, finally, after combining 2 more walking sessions with running, i at last finished my 8.8km event at 1hr 22mins or so. I just stopped the app and didnt really bother checking the app details... as needed to go for refreshment! yup, hot and thirsty. Only then i realized someone shouted 'ow man it wasnt 8km, it was near10km'. Ah! no wonder i felt so jelly legged! I checked my app and it was 9.5km! Wow, coolness, I could run near to 10km, so much for the pre-run jitter of having run up to 5km only up to date :D

This event only gives medals to the FM and HM runners. Oh n they decided to give some to the top 50 or 100 of the 8k as well! Me got a certificate, happy enough!

Loved the run. It's addictive i can tell u that ;p
Top left: with Kate Switzer, the Marathon Woman. Bottom Right: with femes runner Yvonne, she has a cool blog, n not to mention awesome runner.

ps: Oh and I almost forgot, after the day of the event, I realized that the fun was not over. People were putting up their snapped photos of the runners on facebook and letting us know their links so we can browse
and look for ours! It was so much after-party fun. Here are some photos I found of myself. Really thankful for these photographers for being so selfless and spending time to snap photos of strangers and sharing them back to us! These are some of them:

me running behind one of the HM-pacee-pacer. Loved their glorious smiles. (photo credit to s1 - sorry didnt write down the name)

running tutu (air asia group I believe)
ps2: I followed up with a full 10km run 2 weeks after, as I was 'penasaran' that if i could run 9.57km, whether I could make it to full 10.0km and without stopping, and 2nd yay, i could do it :) happy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

growing A

A is growing rapidly. Ada aja momen2 yg bikin gemes liat dia tiba2 bertingkah kaya anak besar. contohnya nih..:
- tiba2 ngomong teriak dgn nada agak panik 'ati-ati' ke bapaknya yg lagi naik tangga buat gantiin lampu di plafon. memang kita sering banget ngomong ati-ati ke A, tp blm pernah dia sebut kata itu sendiri smp bener2 momen-nya pas :)
- klo lagi di jalan, sibuk ngabsen 'bas', 'dap' (truck), 'tsi' (taksi). excited banget ngeliatnya
- udah tau trik manipulatif ngambek caper. kadang nih dia pengen ama gw, tp gak mau dia ngelangkah yg fully approach ke gw. jadi tinggal 5-6 step lagi udah nyampe ke gw, dia sengaja berenti, balikin badan smbl nunduk2 pura2 gak mau diliat, padahal maunya didatengin n digendong ama gw ke tempat gw berada. yak, dan trik dia emang sukses2 ajah. gak tega gw ngeliatnya campur gemes hihhi. kadang2 mau  sesuatu, pura2 nangis (kedengeran banget nadanya dibuat) biar dpt apa yg diinginin. klo yg msh wajar2 aja gw msh turutin sih, abis lucu gitu ngeliatnya. abis itu klo kesampean langsung ketawa2 bahagia gitu dianya.
- udah fasih milih2 video di utube n buka2 aplikasi ipad, teken2 tombol 'back', 'home', sama unlock screen saver. emang yah produk apple inih so intuitive to use even 1 year old can use it. *malah muji produknya hahahaha*
- klo liat hp BB bapaknya selalu dikembaliin ke bapaknya (tp klo iphone gw suka diembat ama dia). tau dia mana hp yg bagus buat maen mana yg gak bisa dipake main haha.
- rajin naroh barang ke tempatnya (tp rajin jg sih mberantakin barang). jadi klo masuk rumah, lepas sepatu, pasti sepatu ditaroh di raknya. klo liat dompet apa kunci terserak dimana, pasti dia lempar ke meja tinggi lobby kita, tempat nyimpannya emang disitu. klo nyusun mobil2an di rak mobil nya pasti dia tarohnya mobilnya harus menghadap ke bawah dgn bener, klo kebalik dia benerin lagi..
- suka ama kucing (dari dulu sih). kadang2 tiba2 posisi all-4 di tanah nunduk2in kepala cium lantai kaya kucing (*dan gw langsung buru2 angkat dia, maluk gilak diliatin org anaknya tiba2 gitu ;p *)
- suka kumpul2 ama bocah rame2. walo belom terlalu bisa interaksi yah, tp keliatan banget dia enjoy ada sekelilingnya yg rame gitu, terutama sesama anak2,khususnya yg lbh gede dikit (soalnya klo sama2 seumur masih sama2 blm bisa komunikasi). kemaren ke tempat temen, muka dia happy banget sama anak2 laen ngejar2 kucing angora di rumah.
- udah mulai ngasi tanda2 bisa lepas dari mamanya. biasanya nempel banget. ampe gw ke wc pun harus ngintil *sigh*. tp sekarang ada 2 hal yg bisa buat dia rela ninggalin gw: 1. pergi sekolah; 2. kumpul2 ama sesama bocah. hoho, this comes sooner than i thought.
- klo lagu dia paling suka 'the wheel on the bus'. udah apal dia ama goyang2 tangannnya. entah udah berapa versi videoklip di utube lagu ini kita puter2. so far emang blm kita introduce dia ke tv, tp ipad rada kecolongan sih. gak nyangka dia suka banget sama video2 di utube. kadang2 gw sengaja sembunyiin ipadnya pas kami kerja. soalnya mbaknya jg jadinya bergantung sama si ipad ini biar A gampang makan. biar gak makin keterusan, lagian klo liat ipad lama2 gitu tiap hari matanya ntar bisa cepet minus ya? paling gw puterin klip lagu anak2 (dia cuma suka yg temponya cepet); video binatang2 dari national geographic or video kucing. ama kmrn yg dia lagi suka banget videoklip boneka2 tangan tokoh2 harry potter. padahal nurut gw biasa aja, tp dia suka banget ama hentakan iramanya yg berulang2, dia ikut2 smbl geleng2 kepala gitu.

- klo ada barang ngumpet di bawah meja n tangan dia gak nyampe, otomatis ambil tongkat panjang buat bantuin dia ambil barangnya.
- klo dibawa keluar rumah seneng banget, terutama ke taman bawah or taman atas kondo. klo dibawa pulang pasti marah2. susah banget bawa dia pulang dr taman. bahagia banget dia disana. bosen ya nak di rumah :) ?

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

2013 first posting

o mine, i'm such a slacker, suddenly we are in the middle of 2013 already!

many things happened this year.. where do i begin?

* Jan-Feb 2013: We sorted buying a property in suburb Jakarta, aka Jakarta Coret, aka Serpong. which means I had to go back and forth KL-Jak to search, do and finalize the deal. Property price has soared much in the past 2-3 years, we should have bought earlier, but then again always easier to say things in retrospect, than in prospect. Plus anyway, it is still the right thing to do. Luckily, i was able to sort things out in just 2 trips. Very efficient! ** I clap for myself  :D **

* I actually tested positive.. sometime in Jan.. but 2.5 weeks later.. things didnt turn out well and we've lost the sac thru natural bleeding. Since this is the 2nd time already it happened, I cant help to be very conservative the next positive time (and I hope I'm still given the chance to) happens, I will stop all physical activies, including long distance travelling.

* I've completely weaned Adam by Jan 13. I first started reducing the frequency of breastfeeding when he was 13 months (Sep last year) down to just 1 or twice a day (before sleeping or in the morning). I did it because I havent gotten my period back yet, and both of me n hubby thought we shouldnt wait too long before trying for a 2nd baby. So at least, i needed to get my monthly cycle back. Sure enough after 1 month, the cycle started back again. And in Jan, when diagnosed pregnant, I could also feel my supply was getting much lesser, my obgyn also advised me to stop breastfeeding since i was pregnant, though i read in many online articles that it can be ok to still continue b/f (noted that it is mostly not advisable esp for peeps who have had miscarriage history before, such as me). And anyway due to my supply was very low, Adam even refused to drink from me sometimes. So just like that, he stopped on breastfeeding, with not much drama. My 1 week trip to Jakarta in Jan, away from him, also helped to make him not look for me in the middle of night for breastmilk. Just stuck with his dad and grandma, he learnt to sleep thru the night without waking up. Though for the first few nights, grandma just automatically shoved him with milk at 11pm so to make sure he has a sound sleep for the rest of the night. Anyway, i'm so glad i dont have to go thru the weaning process with putting something bitter/spicy so he refused to b/f. Actually, i think i miss the b/f process more than him.

* In March, i was bombed with work. *ha, that's how i remembered it* By the 3rd week, time came too fast, it's time for my 8 days trip to Japan with some girlfriends. As usual, the last week before any long holiday is swamped with work, had no time to do my own reseach for the trip. But I know I can depend on C, one of the gals, to come up with a detailed personalized itinerary. We did Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo. Lovely! I thought I loved Tokyo the most, what can I say I'm a city girl. Grandma from Batam took care of my kid once again, while I'm out of town..

* Back from my Jpn trip, i paid a visit to a near-by daycare (not so nearby, it's a 10mins drive if road is empty) which after researching in Nov, i have decided is the best place for Adam to start spending more structured time in a daycare. just halfday every day. So registered him and he will officially start in April 2013. My main reason to put him in the daycare, is so that he can have more structured activities during the day, learning words, having people talk to him, play n doing arts, rather than just spending time at home alone with our maid while me n hubby are at work. While hubby thinks it's a good time for Adam to start socializing...
Though I had my doubts. I was kind of worried whether we were doing the right thing. I was worried about the language, since we've only purposely stuck with Indonesian at home, and i was hoping that by the time he started daycare he would have spoken much indonesian already, but in reality he hasnt yet. so I was worried whether putting him in an english daycare this early would have a negative effect to both language. But now after 1 month, he is definitely getting bublier and his vocab growing at exponential rate, so i hope i was wrong. Then, my heart breaks every morning when i drop him in the daycare as he would cry very loudly when i left him with the teachers. The worst was the first full day, i was with him in the class the whole time, and when the director tried to call me out of the room, he cried so violently that i couldnt help to cry as well. O gosh, it was nightmare for both Adam n me :( It just caught me off guard that i would be the sad one too. I should have mentally prepared myself better. So next few days i just changed cold cut style and still left the place eventhough i can still hear him cry. After 2 weeks, hubby is back in town and he is the one dropping A to school... It is now 1 month that Adam has started the daycare, and since last week he has stopped crying when being dropped there, that's my good boy :D He also didnt cry when leaving me at home since 2-3 days ago, he clearly understands when his dad says 'Ayo Adam sekolah' and the fact that he's not crying i guess means he's enjoying it :D i'm so happy that he's happy :). Also, my paeditrician didnt really recommend putting Adam to a daycare before 2 years old, he did say his opinion is only from a medical perspective and i respect him for saying that. I guess I had to weight in all the pros and cons, and at the end of the day i thought the pros still outweighted the cons. And Adam had his longest cough n flu for 3 weeks in his first weeks of daycare (he was already sick before that). But after that he's ok. so i hope he is one of those kids who get stronger antibody once they are exposed to it.

*May 2013, 5th may was the 13th General Election in Malaysia. It was quite interesting to follow the election process. Noted that the opposition is gaining stronger foothold. What is interesting here is that it is very obvious that the country here is run /segregated by race. Even the PM can make such a ra*ist comment, I cannot comprehend how the no.1 person in the country can make such a quick statement which obviously will hurt a lot of people. And to start with his own alliance party also has its own 'party-by-race' structure. It is not a wonder that a lot are getting not satisfied with the govt. Although I must say, infrastructurally, this country is very well managed, with all the nice roads all across the country, and comfortable mrt in KL.

Ok, that's all from now. will post some pics once i have bits of more time :)