Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dunia Tanpa Koma

Pelan-pelan, saya merasakan selera & pasar media visual elektronik semakin menarik (duh susah banget nyari kata2 yg tepat utk menggambarkan median tv & sinema sekaligus). Setelah acara2 tv kita dihantui oleh telenovela, sinetron dengan suara tangisan menyayat hati (yg ada malah menyayat telinga), drama pocong, dan konak (komedi nakal), saya mulai bisa menemukan program2 tv yg makin lama makin menarik.

Acara tv tentang makanan misalnya... revolusi acara makanan mungkin dimulai oleh si Rudy. Dulu acara memasak selalu identik dengan ibu2 rumah tangga pake celemek memasak, topi koki, dapur bersih, dan sudut pengambilan dari kamera klo nggak dari depan ya dari atas. Nah sekarang, acara masak sudah berubah... Adalah acara adu masak di Kitchen Stadium-nya Indosiar yg memoles image memasak menjadi seperti adu tinju (tinju lidah). Lalu ada ada Foodtasticnya Anteve. Ini acara mirip acara masaknya BBC, pesan yg ingin disampaikan, masak itu gampang, siapa aja bisa & resep2nya pun simpel sesuai dengan jaman modern ini. Unlike bikin opor atau rendang yg perlu berjam2 utk masak, resep2 disini 5 menit pun ada yg sudah jadi. Tak lupa ada acara Wisata Lokal Kulinernya Transtv dibawakan si Bapak yg mirip Pepeng (dulunya disponsori Kecap Bangau)... Kemarin yg dibahas adalah toko cina di sebelah Gloria Glodok, spesialis dendeng bali (alias babi) tp tentu saja yg dibahas di tv bukan dendengnya, tp telur itemnya.

Lalu acara wisata lokal... ini juga favorit saya, karena selama ini tempat2 di Indo indah2 & banyak yg gak tau (termasuk saya) karena minimnya publikasi.

Baru2 ini dunia sinetron yg sepertinya belum tersentuh oleh revolusi cerita (kecuali keluarga cemara) sepertinya mulai menemui titik bangkit... atau mungkin... titik koma. Yap, Dunia Tanpa Koma tayang perdana kemarin.

Sebelumnya saya sempat agak skeptis setelah mendengar promosi acaranya. Terutama karena ternyata Dian Sastro yg katanya gak akan pernah mau main di sinetron ternyata jadi bintang utama di acara ini. ya, ini apa namanya klo bukan sinetron? Dian & manajemen Sinemart berkilah ini beda, ini bukan sinetron, tapi drama serial. Oke deh...

Ternyata setelah saya tonton kemarin, skeptisme saya pudar. Ini acara punya storyline yg beda dan cukup orisinal. Karakter2nya juga punya jiwa yg beda, terutama yg jadi Brahmantyo, aktingnya ok banget, kaya your cool colleague in your office. Saya gak inget pernah liat dia akting di film/sinetron lain, tp he looks perfectly suited for this role. Dian sih memang aktingnya begitu (gak beda sama tipe peran2 dia yg lain), tp dia memang punya ciri khas yg dari awal memang tidak pernah dia sembunyikan, di kala artis2 lain cenderung seperti stereotipe antar satu dengan yang lain.

Line ceritanya seperti terinspirasi oleh storyline Alias & "Wallpaper" sebelum jeda iklannya pun jg mirip. Bedanya Alias bercerita tntg investigator wanita di sebuah tim investigasi criminal cabang CIA, DTK berceritat tntg wartawati (investigator juga) di sebuah media. Tapi selebihnya, sepertinya berbeda, episode awal ini menjanjikan... Keep watching it...

The Wonder Spot - Melissa Bank

I've been looking this book since last year and I finally found it 3 months ago on a trip to KL. Alas, just these past weeks I can now see the same book finally sold in Kino Jakarta. Melissa's first book, "The Girl's Guide to Hunting & Fishing", was the reason I went hunting for this book. The review put on the cover book of Wonder Spot looked promising.

As I read it, I'm not sure whether it is just me or not, but I didnt find it as captivating as the first one. This one has less drama, less heartfelt touches. It's a stroll thru a woman's 20-30's, but it's a stroll on a flat walk. Wished there was more hills, mountains, up & downs. But maybe, such is Sophie Applebaum's life, an everyday woman that can well be me or you.

Another point of view of this book: reygreena

The meaning of loss

Coincidentally & unfortunately, I experienced a different meaning of loss happening in each of my last 3 weeks.
1. Last weekend, I missed half of my most precious little thing, one of my bracket earings with 3 little diamond studs on it. Bought it with my own saving and my first ever expensive jewelry, in fact this is my only jewelry that cost me above IDR 1 mio (excluding gifts). I quietly absorbed the loss as the search of it in my hotel's room turned futile, I have probably lost it in the vast opendoor greenery when having the off-site outbound games with my office colleagues that weekend.

2. The next business day, coming to the office, one member of my workteam surrendered a worthless piece of paper but with very meaningful content... a letter of resignation. I know people come and go at work, I dont expect people to remain loyal to the company, because I know someday this day may happen to me too. But nevertheless, this person, who has an almost angel-like character, bringing cheers to everybody around her & never stops giving smiles, is surely a loss to my little team & will be heartfelt not only to me, but especially to people whose heart she has touched. I wish her success in her new place & hope she finds what she's looking for.

3. And the week before, I received an SMS from a dear good friend:
"Please pray for me to be strong, my baby has now become an angel",
when her doctor had to do the "kuret" procedure. The loss of a human soul is heart blowing, no matter how one has prepared for it or not. Unlike my personal loss last weekend, this loss is priceless. Hope shall bring her up again, for a better tomorrow is yet to come.

"Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature's delight." ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Saturday, September 02, 2006

salsa – tango – hiphop

I’m having lots of fun rite now doing bits of salsa, argentinian tango, & hiphop in my weekly night fitness classes.
I’m not a born dancer & I dont get notes or rhytm rite, but I’m having a ball with my fitness-dance classes. The level of difficulty is probably beginner level, so that’s probably why I’m not lost (yet) :)

I’ve always loved Spanish & latin language & music, there’s just a sexy feeling to it & it just vibrates your heart. Their expressiveness & passion of living are reflected in their music, dances, & way speaking. The argentinian tango music, which I recently found out, has got this romantic feeling & when you close your eyes you just cant help to imagine as if you are strolling in one of those Parisian romantic alleys (like you see in movies). Salsa is just like the salsa dip, tasty, spicy & delicious, makes you want more of it. I never knew I could move my hips like that. It’s teaching you to appreciate your body more.
While hip-hop just makes you feel like a born-again college kid.

Dancing uplifts my spirit. You should try it too.