Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A peace of mind

So happy today! After having a constant weight on his 10th day check-up, today we decided to go to the paeditrician clinic just to get Adam's weight checked again. I've been feeling anxious about his weight especially since the paedi mentioned he was a bit concerned that the baby has not gained weight yet on the last check up. This, despite me having read from various sources that it's normal for baby to loose weight/not gained much yet in the first month... and also the nurse was actually saying the same thing...
Plus, Adam spits up a lot (well I have no other baby to compare with), but it just breaks my heart when i see him spitting up freshly drank breastmilk or even processed breastmilk that has already turned to granular form - having been digested in his stomach. So i was wondering whether he was able to process enough milk or not..

So when the baby scale showed a whopping 3.985 kg, my face beamed with a large smile. So relieved! He was still 3.51 kg 1 week and a half ago and he's growing fine :)

I guess this is one of the many simple things that make a mother happy :)

btw, Adam celebrated his 3rd week yesterday, so happy birthday - or shall i say happy birthweek Adam! :)


Anonymous said...

yay! happy birthweek adam! :)

pengalamanku waktu keshia bayi juga sama, ter. setiap abis nyusu, keshia selalu muntah. dan muntahnya itu kadang yang banyak dan keluarnya seperti air kran. sempet takut juga, tapi trus mikir yang positif aja, mungkin dia keenakan nyusu trus ketiduran, akhirnya jadi kebanyakan yang masuk perut. :p

sehat selalu ya adam! ngga berasa udah mau 1 bulan nih.

Retsa said...

Makasih Nov... Iya klo udah gumoh banyak, sedih deh ngeliatnya palagi yg kaya air keran itu,trus suka jg bentuknya udah berupa gumpalan lemak susu gt,kayanya keluar lg dr lambung.baca2 ktnya kap penutup lmbungnya blm sempurna,tiap bayi beda2 kadarnya.... Mknya pas beratnya trnyt bs naek dah lega banget.. Tar mgu dpn kontrol lg sih...moga2 tetep naek