Thursday, September 19, 2013

The case of over abusing the word 'no'

Sebenarnya kata 'no' udah dimengerti sama kiddo sejak lama, n mungkin salah satu vocab dia yg pertama. Tapi hari-hari ini bener2 di-abuse deh penggunaannya sama dia. Kalo dulu, no lbh dia artiin dia ga boleh melakukan sesuatu or plainly something thats forbidden. Tapi klo sekarang dia gunakan juga sbg perintah ke orang lain termasuk gw. Case in point;

Pagi2 mamanya abis mandi milih baju:
M: *ngambil gaun ijo*
Kiddo: no no no *sambil geleng2* n nunjuk2 baju laen di gantungan yg dia ga sampe
M: *ngangkat si anak spy bs ambil bj yg dia pilih*
k: *ngambil baju kuning gonjreng*
Dan akhirnya gw pake d baju itu, hw pikir selese masalah.
E abis itu dia ribut teriak "celana celana"!
N berhubung celana yg dia liat tergolek di luar lemari cuma satu, yaitu celana pendek gw disuruhlah gw pake itu. Ga mungkin kan gw kerja pake itu. Akhirnya gw pake jg tu celana pendek smbl breakfast. Tp pas gw ganti ke celana panjang abis itu, kok dia notice aja gitu n marah2lah doi sambil bilang 'no no no'.

Terus diceritain tantenya pulang naek pesawat. Dia nolak2 aja smbl bilang 'no no' n sambil dia benerin 'tante naek boat' :D . 

Fast forward, kita ber2 berangkat ke luar rumah, gw kudu drop dia di daycare. Rencana mo naek taxi tp stok antrian taksi dpn rmh lg kosong n macet berat pula. Akhirnya gw putusin naek LRT dulu dgn harapan di stasiun berikutnya ada taxi or minimal bus yg nyambung ke daycare. Berhubung doi cinta banget ama train n bus, senang banget d dia tp yg ada gw makin terlambat.. N gw udah mo batalin aja naek busnya krn cepetan naek taxi. Pas gw bilang ke dia n 'ga jadi naek bus ya, naek taxi aja' sambil geret dia menjauh dr bus 'no no no' lagi d.. Ge ngalah aja d kali ini, sekalian nyoba pertama kali jg pagi2 ngambil rute bus ini.. (Yg ternyata total2 gw abis sejam nganter dia dibanding 1/2j full taxi :( ).

Tapi yg aneh begitu nyampe daycare dia ga bilang 'no no' . Udah pasrah aja dia bakal ditinggal disitu anyway hehehe.

He knows how to get his way.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

My first affairs with 12k race

I started running 12km in Bandar Kinrara,  Puchong 2 months back, albeit inpromptu as it was supposed to be 10k only. But my first run with the Lyn runners (n the only one to date) got me hooked to try the next and the next 12k run. Btw i really appreciate their warmth in welcoming newbie like me, though they all were quite fast n i totally misunderstood their definition of snail pace (i guess my definition was more of a slug! :) ).

So i signed up for this Men's Health Shape night run, just the perfect distance and fulfilled 2 other 'run-thing to do' in my list, which is to join a night run event and to run in putrajaya, a nicely built modern township built by the malaysian govt.

On the way there, rain was pouring cats amd dogs but as we got nearer i saw a stray of sunlight which was enough for me to give a hope that i wont be running under a strong shower! (Only later that i knew if there was lightning sighted they would have to cancel the event).

Hubby n kiddo dropped me off, n i hitchhiked home on a friend's car.

What i liked:
+ weather was awesome after the rain, made the run feel light. I improved my 10k pb by abt 10mins i think! Now its 72 mins :)
+ nice area not too many cars for lots of runners to run
+ organized event overall, large start/finishing area, lots of toilet etc
+ awesome goody bag n lots of sponsorship tents. Sketcher had a 20% discount shoe booth. Juice, yoghurt etc

Just a bit of areas of improvement:
-: so many long queues in the free goody tents. I decided to skip all of them ss drizxle was getting stronger too,
-: they gave away so many things right after the run but with no bag yet, i dropped my stuff a few times as couldnt mana. Wish they gave a bag earlier.
-: i think their 11th k mark was pretty displaced. Since it felt such a long way to get there!

But overall it was a great experience, love it! I came in 300+th runner out of 12k women, n since the medals were limited to first 500 i was kinda pushing myself to get it hehehe.